Dear Nancy,
Look what was just delivered! (And on their way back out today to be shipped to various venues!)
Are you showing here in Florida?
Christi Israel, whose heartfelt and triumpant story inspired the writing of my book, Equestrian Rockstars; Solving Your Puzzle for Riding With Confidence and Joy,
Will be signing my new paperback book at Fox Lea Farm in Venice, FL ...
On March 11th ...
During her father's annual event; The William Byron Israel Memorial Grand Prix Event!

Yes, I know, usually the author of the book does that, but ...
Christi will be riding in the Grand Prix again that night ...
And I know her fans would LOVE the chance to meet her and to have her sign their book that includes that story!
(I have already had several people who can't make it to the event ask me how to get one anyway! LOL!)
Mark your calendars and enjoy chatting with her during one of my book launch events!
Limited amount of books and each recipient receives a free coaching call!
(Only ONE of the boxes in that stack are going to that event!)
If you don't know her amazing story about how she ended up coaching with me ...
And how we turned it around so she could show up and ride like a Rockstar during her father's inaugural grand prix event ...
It is a tearjerker ... but with a happy and inspiring ending ... along with all the other amazing stories of my clients' successes!
(Alll stories are told anonymously with the exception of Christi who said to me, "Sure, use my name! I OWN my story!")
Girl is fearless!
Want to ride with courage and peak performance as well?
Can't wait? Need to know now what tools and techniques worked for my large variety of clients ...
Including a variety of ages and divisions?
You can purchase the paperback version on Amazon (albeit, not signed by Christi or me).
If you are one of my past Equestrian Rockstar clients and you welcome a similar opportunity to ...
Meet your fans, or to promote yourself/your company at events where you are showing,
Or to use as a fundraiser for your barn or favorite charity ...
Text me a note and let me know when and where ...
Happy to zip the books out your way during my book launch! (Books are heavy, so please give me time to ship them!)
Ready to stop struggling and spinning around? Transform your riding starting today! Sign up here:
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Nancy Dye Breakthrough Equestrian Mental Skills Coach Emotional Strength & Resiliency Trainer Strategic Interventionist 1-561-866-0402 |
Nancy Dye
Elite Lifestyle Transformations, LLC
11924 Forest Hill Blvd., Ste 10A-211
Wellington, Florida 33414
United States of America