The great thing about my clients going through tough times in life is that it isn't that tough for them to do so!

I have a junior rider client that came down with stage 2 Cancer just as winter circuit began, and she had to cancel her entire circuit to do surgery, chemo, and radiation ... But she barely skipped a beat because she had almost finished my bootcamp.

She just showed up with her Rockstar identity and jumped right over that hurdle, with a positive and empowered mindset and was back in the show ring ahead of her doctor's originally planned schedule! Here is the custom made (her favorite color) golf cart given to her by Make a Wish Foundation. 

I had another junior rider that had a bad fall that also happened at the beginning of winter circuit that needed surgery, a rod installed in her leg, and a long rehab.

Although she was just at the beginning stages of my bootcamp, we are riding through this with relative ease from the mental skills training.

I am not saying these riders weren't disappointed and didn't have their moments of ugly cry, but it is MOMENTS in time. I'm not saying some events don't require some grieving ... but my clients already knew the dangers of diving in and becoming stuck in that negative mindset.

They all knew not to allow their events to define them in a negative way. They all learned how to keep it brief and to quickly change their focus. 

That is the difference with people with peak performance mental skills ... they get over things in 15 minutes to a few days what takes the rest of the world weeks, months, years, or NEVER!

Now, some events are more "traumatic" than others; no one knows that more than I given my list of events in life, BUT ... 

We don't have to move in, dive in, and make it our identity forever. We don't go to the barn or show dragging our heavy trunk of past stories and then dump it on the horse and in the ring.

Pilar Ojeda at Tryon International. From rocking her purple golf cart to rocking it in the ring!

A year after my husband's death from Parkinson Disease, I was diagnosed with stage 2 colon Cancer and had to have emergency surgery. 

Blew through that ... didn't even skip a beat. 

I immediately stuck with my warrior rules; No feeling sorry for myself. No allowing myself to become fear based and obsessed. No complaining. No reliving "the story" over and over. No victim thoughts, emotions, and behavior. 

I reframed the event as the good news, NOT the bad. I decided to do the "show off" technique that I teach. "Let me show you how I am going to rock this "event" and display emotional inner strength and resiliency. 

But even when the doctors wouldn't let me eat for 6 days, I knew how to use my mental skills to NOT focus on how hungry I was. I have conditioned my brain to not allow myself to even focus on the negatives! Or to move on quickly if I do.

Was I worried while waiting for the results of the Cancer tumor tests to find out what stage it was? Nope. Didn't even allow myself to go there. I stayed in prayer for God's will for me, ready to embrace whatever He decided the outcome was going to be.

My son was raised by two peak performance sports coaches (of dangerous sports), so he already knew what to do and also, from all our experiences in the hospital with my husband having serious surgeries and near-death events, my Air Force Captain was on automatic pilot.

He just casually marched into my hospital room and immediately went to the white board behind the door and then proceeded to write my goals with how many laps around the corridors to do before noon. "And do this many after noon today."

(Yea, commissioned Air Force officers tend to make good wingmen!)

Any complaints or limiting beliefs from me about doing all that? Not a single one! Because what we focus on, grows! What we focus on, becomes reality.

And I learned from my former Olympic gymnastic husband who would go absolutely ballistic if he was lying in a hospital bed having to stare at a chart with a empty space next to the word, "Goals"

"Where are my goals?" he would yell, pissed off!"

"Jack, we already discussed and agreed on your goals for today, " I would remind him.

"That's not good enough," he would yell! "I want them written down! I am not going lie here all day and stare at an empty space after the word goals!" (Always leading with his champion identity and staying on brand with his goals!)

And after my official diagnosis of stage 2 Cancer? I refused to take on the identity and to become "my diagnosis" and "disease."

Today, I don't sit around and worry it will return because I made a decision not to. I know better than to manifest that in my life when I can spend that same time empowering myself to manifest better things in my life! 

In fact, I refuse to allow myself to use that "C" word.

Where did I learn how to condition my brain to heal from Cancer? God had put an amazing Doctor in my life back when I was in my late twenties. In fact, I worked for him at his "Exceptional Cancer Patient" clinic in New Haven, CT one year.

His name was Dr. Bernie Siegal, the famed Cancer surgeon who wrote in the internationally best-selling book on Cancer, "Love, Medicine, and Miracles.”

He was a pioneer in his day! In fact, the other doctors laughed at him back in those days at Yale. Why?

He was one of the first doctors who believed Cancer could be cured with a combination of modern medicine AND mental skills; healing meditations, healthy food, yoga and exercise, letting go of negative emotions like anger, fear, worry ... and replacing a negative focus with forgiveness, gratitude, positive thinking, humor, and lots of prayer.

Now, if it seems like a coincidence that this amazing man was put in my life when I was already in the process of using these techniques to heal from addictions, and WAY BEFORE it was common knowledge that you could make yourself sick or choose to heal yourself from life threatening diseases with your thoughts and emotions, consider that God has put the most amazing people in my life for my entire life! To include my past husband who was inducted into 4 athletic Hall of Fames for gymnastics! (List on my website.)

One special person after another who have provided me with the exact knowledge, training, coaching, and mentorship I needed at just the right time in my journey to become who I am today.

This is why I don’t just help people to learn how to get unstuck and to transition through to become a better rider and to win.

I transform people's lives; helping them to transition through to peak performance in their health, relationships, and careers … to transform their identities and mindsets into Rockstars!

I have always believed in investing in myself and only with the top coaches and teachers in the world because they invested in themselves with only the top trainers in the world for decades ... and they still do!

Want a list of all my coaching programs? Link here: Programs

Nancy Dye

Nancy Dye
Elite Lifestyle Transformations, LLC
11924 Forest Hill Blvd., Ste 10A-211
Wellington, Florida 33414
United States of America