Lori Scott Hollands, Trainer with Tina Judge Boyle at Judgement Farm, Ill Before coaching, my greatest challenges were fear of inadequacy and fear of rejection. These were affecting me with anxiety, handing my reins over to others, and hiding from possible confrontation and embarrassment. What finally had me say “enough is enough”, that inspired ne to work with Nancy, was that I was tired of feeling that way. I knew there had to be a better way. I also watched one of my clients drastically improve after using this program. My favorite aspects of coaching was feeling myself become empowered and understanding my brain and how to program it any more productive way. I have watched myself using what I have learned in this program in my coaching techniques, and I have watched them be so successful.
Eva Paliouras, Jr. Jumper Rider; trains with showjumper, David Blake, in Wellington & Tryon Nancy was referred to us by one of the judges at WEF. Before coaching, I lacked confidence, I had a victim mindset, and I struggled with fear. These things were impacting my results at horse shows and were preventing me from improving my riding. What finally had me say “enough is enough,” that inspired me to work with Nancy Dye, was that I kept having bad shows and horrible reactions.
One of my favorite aspects of coaching with her was that she always made me realize something that I didn’t even think was preventing me from being my best self. Since coaching, I’m more successful and definitely more coachable (my trainer can tell you that). I have been so consistent throughout shows almost always ribboning. And my confidence is a 15/10!
Dr. Robyn Kopala, Equine Veterinarian/Owner of Meadow Lane in BC., Canada “This was a 10 for me. It is great to have someone to talk to every week and to be held accountable for all of the small and large things that interfere with riding and competing and life in general and to learn how to make everything have more of a positive meaning. To learn how to be empowered.
Not only has my riding improved with my jumpers, but the coaching has been helpful in dealing with people both in my personal and family life as well as with staff employed by my company. It has helped me with my time management and made me take some responsibility for my “time “ or lack there of it. It has made me more aware that I’m in charge of my life and how I want to live it, and that I can make a choice in what I believe in.
Sarah Roche, parent for A/O rider, Carly Roche who trains with Amanda Thomas. “We have been so amazed and pleased with the changes and progress you have made with Carly in such a short time and feel this investment has been worth every penny!” Breitton Bird: Jr Rider who trains with Chris Covarubias. Referred by trainer. Before coaching, I was an overthinker, a perfectionist, and I was doubting my abilities as a rider. Nothing could ever be good enough. I felt that I couldn’t be an accomplished rider or live up to my horse’s abilities. This doubt would lead to immense stress, and I was defeated before executing my course.
What finally had me say “enough is enough” that inspired me to work with Nancy is that
I had the horse, the training, the shows, but there was always something missing. I love how Nancy tailors every session to my specific needs and digs deep to find a true solution. Nancy is very active and interested in the root of the problems that are stopping feelings of empowerment. Nancy is always pushing me to continue to be better. After every call, I feel more empowered and more unstoppable. Nancy is rooting for you and pushes you to be better. It’s very enjoyable to have a show and talk to Nancy after about places of improvement and places where solutions were applied.
Now I am the most confident I have ever been whether this be in riding or my everyday life. I am not worried about people's assumptions towards me and am able to express my true self. I am able to now turn negative thoughts to something that will empower me and get me excited. I am excited to learn, grow, and accomplish new things. My empowered mindset is growing everyday allowing for my new rider identity to take complete control. When I walk into the show ring, I am able to be completely focused on the task at hand. I am happier with my riding and overall happier about my successes in life.
These empowered feelings allow me to feel unstoppable and create more goals. Her coaching helped me with my interview at Dartmouth College and to secure a working student position this winter at Redfield Training LLC; all this was done from a rock-solid foundation of reaching for the stars and never doubting my abilities. Living a life where I can be empowered from my own self opens an unlimited amount of doors and opportunities.
Becky Bird, parent. “Thank you for the conversation you had with Breitton yesterday at the show. You are definitely teaching and providing valuable life skills. I have already seen a great change in her riding as well as in her personal relationships. Navigating all these indoor show events are definitely building blocks. Thank You!” Pilar Ojeda, Jr. Jumper rider; trains with Richardo Villa in NC Before coaching, the greatest challenges in my life was being negative on myself. solving problems by quitting and dragging on with that quitting mentally, and constantly worrying about things going wrong/ wanting to be perfect in the ring.
Those problems impacted the way I showed up to the ring. I was blaming things on my horse, being negative, timid, and lacking confidence. Also being shy with my relationships. quitting when things got tough. and I didn't want to change or help myself.
What finally had me say “enough is enough” that inspired me to work with Nancy was
I was getting ready for my first regional Grand Prix. As I was walking the course and for the first time I was genuinely scared to do the class. My mom was telling me to call you again after our free session for weeks before then. I told myself I was going to, but never made the time to follow through. When I was walking that course for the Prix, I was scared of the height (a new height I haven't done before and didn't really want to do the class. It was like I got shot in place. I continued to go in the ring with that mentally. The class could have gone way worse, me or the horse could have gotten hurt, but I got 2 rails. Maybe I would have been clear if I was an Equestrian Rockstar then!
One of my favorite aspects of coaching is I love doing exercises like The Old and New Identities, Communication Styles, and the 6 Humans Needs, because it opens my eyes to things I need to work on. Seeing the things I do already that aren’t serving me and things I need to do to get out of my comfort zone. I also like how we make effective incantations that are custom for me, my horses and issues that make me feel empowered!
Since coaching with Nancy, I am more confident in myself, and I want to make even more changes in my life while I am young. I am more confident in my riding, I'm excited to get in the ring, excited to have more experiences to work on myself, ready to move up to the FEI classes, and I am ready to set my life on the right bridle path!
Kate Egan; Jr Rider; trained with Emil Spadone/Owner of Redfield Farms. “I am beyond thankful for everything you’ve done for me to shape me into who I am today. I not only have grown as a rider, but I have grown as a person too. I walk and do life with purpose and confidence. People always ask me what was the change that brought me to the next level. I always say I found the right horse and my trainers continuously tweaked my mistakes, but I always place a high emphasis on you. I just needed to rewrie my brain to know how I can use them to my full advantage … and you helped me achieve exactly that!
Sophia Chotti; A/O jumper rider trains with Michael Desiderio; “I have been coaching with Nancy for a bit now and all I can say is wow! She helped me so much with conquering my old rider identity and has helped me to become my new confident self. She has helped me gain my love and excitement for competing. I just won the classic and champion here at Wellington, and I could not be more grateful.”
Sophia’s dad: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done for my daughter. We see how much you have helped her, and more importantly, Sophia shared with us how much she respects and looks up to you. It is not how many ribbons and much money she wins, although that is nice, but more about how happy and confident she has gotten.” Gretchen Zelinek trains with Jill Schulman with Brookwood Stables in Bedford NY: “The best thing you did for me during coaching was to stop giving myself a way out. You taught me how to COMMIT!” Louis Rogers, eventer from VA, trains with Silver Medalist, Kim Severson: “Nancy Dye, you’re the rockstar of equestrian mental skills coaching. You helped me to overcome my fears and obstacles to become an equestrian rockstar. My horses and spouse are grateful. Thanks for helping to bring out the best in me. It is nice to have FUN again. Thanks again!” Christi Israel: Grand Prix rider and trainer in Ocala: “"Nancy Dye is the BEST of the best! I reached out to her shortly after my father passed away. He was my business partner and my strongest supporter, and that tragic event started affecting my riding. I used to worry about triple combinations, coming out of corners, and even blanking out after I made a few mistakes. I ended up winning my father’s first memorial Grand Prix event and then Reserve Champion Grand Prix for the circuit! Thank you, Nancy Dye!" Jessica Zaloom, A/O hunter rider in Ocala:
"I spent year after year wasting time and hoping things would get better with my riding and they never did. It was only when I started coaching sessions with Nancy that I made a huge turnaround. I am now back in the ring after 3 years of not riding at all and being successful at the sport I love. All thanks to Nancy and her powerful results driven program!" Olivia Combs, A/O Jumper Rider; trains with showjumper, Kyle King, in California. “Through Nancy’s peak performance mental skills coaching program, my string of jumpers have never gone better. Thank you, Nancy!”
Nancy Buzzetta: "I’m Referring You, Nancy Dye, because You Have The Power To Change People’s Worlds. I had a very bad accident and was literally sick in the bathrooms prior to going into the ring. Now my new, confident rider mindset has even changed my professional life. I now show up as an empowered leader in my riding and with my business."
Susan Tuller, trains with Kristen Bumpus at Arrowhead Farms, Concord, MA
“Nancy, you have become a pivotal resource in my Equestrian Rockstar journey. Thank you!”
Casey Zuraitis; Adult/EQ Hunter Rider. Trains with Cate Wagner
Both Cate and my mom (who also competes) said I’m a completely different rider in the show ring. And I’m actually enjoying myself. You were tremendously helpful in all my success this year with qualifying and placing with ALL three of my horses! Best indoors I have ever had! It felt amazing! Thank you!” Morganne Young, A/O Jumper, Trains with Redfield Training, LLC.
This year riding has been the most successful year I’ve ever had and at the highest level competitively. It all started in Florida when I won classes every week including my first high child/adult classic- a special night class version no less! The successes continued throughout the year with highlights being 3rd at Devon, and ribboning at capital challenge and WIHS. For the 28 classes I jumped in total, I finished in the top 3 9 times or 30% of the time - which we all know for jumpers is quite a high percentage! After we started coaching, I was able to overcome my first day desperate mentality where I would be mechanical and trying too hard to force everything. Walking into indoors was such an amazing feeling on the first day being in the best mindset compared to being at Devon where it took me mistakes in the first two classes to get mad at myself and get into that best mindset by the 3rd class.
Before we started coaching, I would let the outcome of things define how I felt about myself. I would spiral to the point of thinking I was a terrible rider from one rail in a class or one mistake. This would take a huge toll on me emotionally and mentally and the strong negative feelings would linger for days. Now - my foundation of self-belief is so strong and I have learned to embrace them to get better quickly for the next class. I no longer spiral to anywhere close to the low point I used it. This has allowed me to have more joy at horse shows and enjoy some amazing memories with friends even if my outcome wasn’t the win I was planning on achieving. My goal for next year is to be able to move on from any disappointment even faster but I have made amazing progress from where I used to be in this aspect.
Your neuroscience based techniques have truly changed everything in my life. Traveling for work used to trigger me to feel overwhelmed and stressed before a show - plus the “why can’t I be a rich amateur with no job” victim mindset. Now I feel organized and already locked in, moving & grooving! It’s insane how much these simple tools have changed everything in my life I have found ways to apply this mindset multiple times a day, and it has brought so much more joy and empowerment to my life and especially my riding.
THANK YOU for all the emotional support and guidance you have given me this year. It has truly had such an incredible impact on my riding & my life!! Your coaching has been a game changer. I can’t wait to see what next season will hold!
Natalie Coffin, Jr. Hunter rider trains with Bull Run Equestrian Center:
I rate this coaching program a10! I have done a complete 180. I don't let anything take away my skill, I can come out of a not-so-great warmup and still go out there and kill it! And I've noticed and stopped the stories I've been telling myself for so long that have held me back or tripped me up. I can’t even remember that person I used to be!
Jill Coffin (Mother): “Thank you, NancyDyeMindset, for all you are doing to help my daughter to be the best that she can be! What a difference you have made! You are the Rockstar, Nancy! It is not just the wins, but her new confidence has made it all so much fun for her again!" Dave Coffin: "Thank you for all that you are doing for our daughter. It's helping like you can't even imagine! Like game changing! Thank you!"
Cheyenne Duncan, dressage rider in Ocala. I haven't even finished the coaching yet, and I needed to come straight here to write a review! Equestrian Rockstars is life-changing in every way. Anything from transitioning through the gap between old and new identities, overcoming adversity, and using your mind to reach peak performance. Although mainly for equestrians, this program can help anyone in every walk of life. I 100% recommend it!”