Before coaching with Nancy, fear, lack of joy, confidence, and self-esteem were pressing problems for me to navigate.
I went through several traumatic events affecting my confidence and fear levels. I had a bad accident/fall in which I fractured my tailbone which kept me out of the saddle for almost a year. I then lost my daughter at 28 from a random act of gun violence. Following this, I almost lost my husband 6 months later, as he required open heart surgery,
While all these events unraveled, I was solely responsible for the care of my 92 year old mom, as all family members had passed on and I was alone. The fear and trauma carried over to my riding and everyday life. Driving, interacting socially with my friends, working, exercise, healthy habits all went down the tube. I was devastated, emotionally drained, feeling sorry for myself and wondering why life was coming at me so hard. I was feeling powerless.
As for some history, my trainer mentioned Nancy to me and how much she thought her methodologies could help me, I read her book "Equestrian Rockstars" in June of 2021. Shortly after, my world was rocked by the loss of my daughter, and I was distracted just clinging on to life, honestly. However, I was drawn to her philosophies and strategic interventional theories and how these same techniques can also influence other areas of you life.
My mom passed in February of 2024 and the thought of contacting Nancy was fermenting, but I wasn't sure she would help an Amateur rider such as myself. Then I was on Facebook and saw a testimonial from one of Nancy's clients who wasn't a professional rider or young adult on the circuit. She was just like me suffering from a bad fall, and her testimonial really spoke to me. I was so fed up feeling the disempowered victim and wanted to be an Equestrian Rockstar so badly. I said enough is enough. I called Nancy, we had an amazing chat and hit it off right away. I never looked back.
Traditional therapy was not working for me. I didn't need to keep rehashing why I was so sad, angry, fearful, anxious. I needed "tools" to help me navigate through all these negative feelings so I could recapture joy in my life and this is exactly what Nancy Dye continues to teach me. I look forward to our next three months!

I love re-reading Nancy's book along with my weekly coaching, and discussing the numerous scenarios of those she coached, and how they themselves triumphed from practicing her methods. Nancy applies techniques that are individualized to you! No cookie cutter training methods. Everything is personally tailored to the exact problems and issues you are having.
Nancy is tough, inspiring, and positive! She has experienced so many hardships in her life and can really relate to your personal issues with depth, concern, and care! Nancy talks the talk and walks the walk!

In the three months I have been coaching with Nancy, my whole world has turned around. I learned how to "reframe" my life events and to rock my new rider identity in all facets of life, not just in the saddle. I look forward to my time with my horse and enjoy that our bonding has increased ten fold due to my reduced anxiety and strengthened brain power. The amount of trust grown between Merlin and I as we move forward as a team is so beautiful.
Now show goals are not only a dream - I can actually believe they are attainable. My communication with my husband has greatly improved as I speak my mind with increased strength and feel empowered to have the type of relationship I want which is a two way street. My husband and I own a prestigious third generation architectural and interior design firm. and I am more forthright with my clients in the decision making progress making them feel secure and happy that design decisions will be spectacular.
I am showing off my new rider identity, and I kicked my disempowered, miserable, fearful, anxious, and sad old rider identity to the curb! It feels great!

Nancy Dye
Elite Lifestyle Transformations, LLC
11924 Forest Hill Blvd., Ste 10A-211
Wellington, Florida 33414
United States of America